Did playing ComputerCraft help anyone get an ACTUAL coding job?

Started by ComputerCrafter, Mar 31, 2024, 04:28 AM

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Sometimes, I think that maybe, because CC runs on an actual language (Lua), you could develop some coding skills and get real jobs in the future.

Does anyone have the same idea?

Maybe playing CC helps you code better, and develops crucial skills?
Do you think so?

Also, I'd be very interested in knowing what happened to people who played CC when they were younger.
Thanks in advance for your opinions!


Quote from: ComputerCrafter on Mar 31, 2024, 04:28 AMSometimes, I think that maybe, because CC runs on an actual language (Lua), you could develop some coding skills and get real jobs in the future.

Does anyone have the same idea?

Maybe playing CC helps you code better, and develops crucial skills?
Do you think so?

Also, I'd be very interested in knowing what happened to people who played CC when they were younger.
Thanks in advance for your opinions!

Actually, coding gives experience, and that experience gotten me into a success on working on COSC. Ever since then, I've used my coding skills in full time projects!
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I've started programming with ComputerCraft in (approximately) 2016 - 2017. Once I've made a couple Lua programs I've diced to practice other languages. Eventually I learnt a lot about computer science and studied it a high school and college. Later this year, I will be studying at University. When I've shown the college the the things I've made - they accepted as quick as they can.

I've not got a job yet, however I will be looking for one after University.

Computer science is more about the principles (the algorithms, etc ..) rather then the language you choose. Lua is a great language to implement these due to its simplicity (most of the time). If you understand the theory of why something works, then an employer is more likely to hire you.

Thanks for your opinions!
I saw a few people saying CC helped them on the old forums too.
Thank you for answering my questions. :D


Actually yes, sort of I guess?

I started programming "seriously" with ComputerCraft and wasted my time with programming "operating systems" (though at least a bit more advanced by leveraging the rednet bug in the bios.lua to get rid of CraftOS). Then I went on learning other programming languages. I don't know which it was but either Java or Python first. Then I picked CS in high school and finished my CS bachelor's degree this year.

I like to think that CC was the factor that decided what career I wanted to pursue, and I kind of sticked with it. CC "OS programming" actually also sparked my interest in embedded, I even was in the switch modding scene for a short while and now I started a job as an embedded dev lol.

I'm still contemplating to start an attempt at doing a "CraftOS 2" clone myself, if any of you remember the teaser GIFs/images that dan posted years ago..

TL;DR: Yes, and I think that CC was a really great way to introduce myself to programming. So simple yet so many cool things you could do with it.