Cursed? String Arithmetic Library

Started by NihilisticPuffin, Oct 21, 2023, 07:02 PM

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String Arithmetic Library
Disclaim: This will crash the default shell. You must use an alternative shell

This library allows you to preform arithmetic on strings by using metatables to overload operators

SCPaste: rUwGtDf3Cr

pastebin get rUwGtDf3Cr str_math.luaor
wget str_math.lua


—- Concatenation
—- Works with types: string, number, boolean, nil
local greeting = "Hello" + ", World!" —- greeting == "Hello, World!"

—- Substring
—- If left operand is a number subtract from beginning of string
—- If right operand is a number subtract from end of string
local greeting = 1-"Hello, World!"-8 —- greeting == "ello"

-- Repetition
local greeting = "Hi"*4 -- greeting == "HiHiHiHi"

—- Splitting
—- If right operand is a number split string into equal length pieces
—- If right operand is a string split string by delimiter
local tbl = "Hello, World!" / 4 —- tbl == {"Hell", "o, W", "orld"}
local tbl = "Hello, World!" / ", " —- tbl == {"Hello", "World!"}

—- Modulo returns remaining characters not equal to length
local str = "Hello, World!" % 4 —- str == "!"

-- Unary Minus reverses string
local greeting = -"Hello, World!" -- greeting == "!dlroW ,olleH"

p.s. This is probably the worst thing I've ever made

I've updated it with a "fix" for the default shell crash.


local old_mt = dofile("str_math.lua")

-- your code

debug.setmetatable("", old_mt)

Updated with a better fix for crashes

How to use:

In script
-- Must be first line in file

or from shell
str_math <script>

Added unary minus operator to reverse strings

local greeting = -"Hello, World!" -- greeting == "!dlroW ,olleH"