An easy way to write code from IDE directly to computer craft

Started by TiboLatte, Jul 10, 2022, 11:27 PM

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I really don't know if this exists but i've just made a program that send your code from your ide to computercraft using express server.

I found it better than the pastebin way and maybe everybody write it's own program to do this but it was fast and fun to create so i share it here.
Hope it can help someone

Here is the repo :

Have a good day !



Nice program, simple but effective. I might do a small little PR when I come home from vacation.
I would also like to comment that GitHub is switching to "main" instead of "master" as the main/master branch. In the current repo, you have used two branches, main and master.

There are also other alternatives to this, but i would say they all have their different use cases (including yours):
- CraftOS Remote (VSC addon)
- Cloud catcher (online editor)

You seem like a nice guy, and as I said your project has its place, here we can use whatever editor we want. Have a good day you too!
It's not a data breach, it's a surprise backup.

Hey !

Thank you for your answer :)

I'll try to fix the github branch thanks for showing it, i'll check for the ressources you've sent
