Pepdroll 7 Operating system

Started by PepdrollCZE, Oct 18, 2021, 01:52 PM

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Pepdroll 7 Operating system
Standard / Server

Hi, I would like to introduce my project

  • Standard / server edition,
  • Simple control,
  • Easy file browser,
  • Sounds from "Windows XP" (must connect speaker)
  • Network file sharing, (using P7 server),
  • Basic active directory service,
  • User-friendly environment with a customizable look,
  • Sorted settings with many options,
  • Automatical update service,
  • Integrated classic cmd terminal,
  • and much more...

Unified installation: "pastebin run HZYKupA5"

User manual: HERE

Enjoy ;)

I apologize for any errors in the system. The system is still evolving and it is difficult to find and tune all the bugs when software development takes a long time with long breaks. :)


for the 5th time this week, these arent operating systems, these are window managers with extra bloatware apps


Quote from: pjals_but_noisy on Oct 22, 2021, 02:34 PMfor the 5th time this week, these arent operating systems, these are window managers with extra bloatware apps
I disagree. This is a fully recreation and awesome project to mimic the Windows-like feel of the operating system, and I love the feel of it! 5/5 stars for this operating system. And window manager and desktop feel of this is classified as a operating system. Although COSC aims the same goal, this still deserves some reward! A+ for effort!


Quote from: QuickMuffin8782 on Oct 24, 2021, 07:00 AM
Quote from: pjals_but_noisy on Oct 22, 2021, 02:34 PMfor the 5th time this week, these arent operating systems, these are window managers with extra bloatware apps
I disagree. This is a fully recreation and awesome project to mimic the Windows-like feel of the operating system, and I love the feel of it! 5/5 stars for this operating system. And window manager and desktop feel of this is classified as a operating system. Although COSC aims the same goal, this still deserves some reward! A+ for effort!

proving this isnt an operating system:

QuoteAccording to Wikipedia: "An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs." However, much of this is not really possible to accomplish in ComputerCraft. Hardware (peripherals) is automatically handled inside the mod through the peripheral API, and hardware is exposed through a simple object-oriented-like interface. Contrast this to a real system, in which hardware has to be memory mapped or controlled through arbitrary I/O ports; components can have various interfaces that are not compatible with other versions of components of the same type; and access has to be abstracted for effective use. ComputerCraft's simplistic peripheral interfacing API removes most of the need to manage hardware manually. CraftOS does add in some extra code to allow accessing networked peripherals through the base peripheral API, but other than that, what the system already provides is enough for pretty much all use cases.

aaand also
QuoteI've seen a lot of users say they want their ComputerCraft computer to work like their real computer. But those users are missing the point of the mod itself. CC's goal is to provide a fantasy terminal that is similar to 80s microcomputers without the complexity of programming that they often had (though BASIC was pretty, well, basic).


While what people call OSs in the CC community are not OSs by the definition of the wider world this is the definition that people here are used to. I don't like it either but it's kind of too late to try to change it, and unless someone makes an OS in CC that fits the real world definition I don't expect the CC community definition to change.


This is a great OS (by the community's definition) you've really done a good job here i hope you continue to update it!


Some ideas i have that would make the OS even better would be; 1. A "Move" or "Move File" option for the right click menu would be convenient, 2. It would nice if you could copy the file address you're on, e.g. I'm on /C/system/Users/Thunder/ and I want to copy the address so i don't have to type it in whenever i want to (for example) tell a program where to save a file or etc.

Bugs I've found:
In some cases, like in the login screen when you have the text box selected you have to hit enter in order to leave the selection and you can't click on anything until you do. When you have the file browser open and you click on the "MENU" button and then click on a empty space on the screen it seems to close the file browser.
when you click on recovery in the settings menu sometimes it displays the display tab instead.


Great OS, although there seems to be no way to click out of a text box. Pressing enter when creating a new file with a blank name because you accidentally clicked the button prompts the system to go to the Accounts page of the installer.

EDIT: Upon further inspection, this wipes the system and launches the same thing as when clicking the "Full reinstall" button in recovery.


A quick suggestion, I'm not sure if you've already thought of adding this, but a web browser and server system would be cool. You could use a piece of software on the computers or server machines to design websites (sort of like the paint program, but with text) and then the server would run the websites for any standard machines to connect into and view. I can see it being used on servers as like a daily newspaper or just personal web pages.


great os When are the next updates planned? xD