Aio Terminal for Money (ATM)

Started by Aio, Jul 10, 2022, 11:32 PM

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  • Aio

    • (she/they)


Sorry if i posted this twice, something seemed to go wrong the first time

While im fairly sure others have tried making (and likely made better) ATM scripts, i wanted to try it for myself.


There are definately lots of room for improvements but here it is:

To build an ATM:
--Helpfull ASCII image
S = Stairs
D = Dispenser
C = Computer
H = Hopper
M = Modem
Level 1
    S S S
    S D S
    S S S
Level 2
    H C M

1. Place a computer down 1 block above ground
 2. Place a despenser down below the computer facing the front
 3. Place a wireless modem on the computers right side
 4. Place a hopper faceing down to the left of the computer
 5. [recomended] place stairs arround the dispenser, including infront of it
To setup the ATM:
 1. run "pastebin get i7CTTzCx startup"
 2. run "id" on the server computer.
 3. edit startup
 4. change line 9 to the correct computer ID (not this computers ID, the server computers ID)
 5. save
 6. reboot

To build the server:
 1. Place down a computer
 2. Place a modem ontop of the computer

To setup the server
 1. enter "pastebin run CyZwiHR8"
 2. reboot


I was just wondering how am I supposed to get the stuff that is deposited(in the hopper) back to the dispenser? Because when I try to do that it seems to be giving a error. What I did was putting a hopper under the other hopper going straight into the dispenser.

EDIT: Never mind I got it working (by accident)