PixelTerm - Use pixels instead of characters!

Started by Impulse, May 29, 2022, 06:29 AM

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I am proud to announce my first vaguely decent program uploaded here...

Like CraftOS-PC's Graphics Mode, but shittier!

Made this in a single afternoon, probably sucks a bit since I was programming super late (it's 12 am right now, thats a bit late for me).

Uses the characters "\131" and "\143" to turn your character-based terminal object into a pixel grid!

Definitely not finished yet, this is the very first iteration and I have a LOT of cleaning up to do, trust me.

Documentation and not-very-funny quips
To download, run "wget https://gist.github.com/EmeraldImpulse7/b2dd266b0345db52a56867b796cd8b79/raw/14d1cb27ed664c396ab5bf98eb1a830311423322/pixelterm.lua pixelterm.lua".

Programmer time.


Update: Added "setLine()" and added a bit of support for older versions of the mod.
Programmer time.