redstone.setBundledOutput() redstone interface or connectors not updating

Started by Mecrop, Jun 13, 2024, 10:37 PM

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hi there,

1. 16 redstone lamps with redstone connectors. (all connected with redstone wire
2. a n redstone interface connected to one of the interconnectet lamp connectors
3. a interface connected to the computers back and redstone wired to the interface from 2nd

while sending all colors the whole screen should blinking

while true do

redstone.setBundledOutput("back", 65535)
redstone.setBundledOutput("back", 0)

i want to send multiple redstone signals via the redstone interface to control states on pistons.
its a simple programm (its just a blinky and it worked several times).
now it seems like the redstonelamps i attached to debug reacting only to the interface(computer side)
if iam changing a connected connectors color with the screw driver or detach a wire completly.
its always just when i change something in the world byself.
while spaming i/O or color change by hand the whole screen is going on/off every 1 second, just like i programmed it.

dont know whats wrong, this is nuts
maybe someone can help wih this

i using the steampunk mod with and imersive engineering redston connectors(interfaces

thanks in advance

kind regards mecrop


edit, without using black (the last bit everything just works fine.
but doing it like this i will missing a whole chanel...
stil confused


Not every mod that adds bundled redstone is compatible with computercraft's API for bundled redstone.


The github page tells the support was added and the fact it works with 15 bit seems to be validating.
But yes, i guess i will try a different mod.
Whats the currently used mod for bundled cables?


If you can place the bundled restone up walls then some mods need you to place it on the side of the computer as if you are going to climb up and over it.

If it is framed bundled redstone or simular then you may need some non-framed bundled redstone on the side of the computer to form the connection.

If neither of the above help then I would double check the documentation of the bundled redstone mod.