MineExplorer - a tree-view file manager

Started by Reimar, Mar 15, 2023, 09:11 PM

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This program allows you to navigate the filesystem on your computer with a tree-view display. It is primarily built for advanced computers, having features like color-coded file icons, clicking and scrolling, but works for normal computers as well. It works for both the original ComputerCraft mod and CC: Tweaked.

Currently, you can press space (or click) to edit files and expand/collapse folders, or press enter to execute programs and cd into folders. You can rename files with F2 and quit the program by hitting Q. I plan on adding more features soon.

To install the program, you can run the (still fairly primitive) installer: pastebin run tCYT5FBf
It will download the files into the /minex folder and add an alias, minex, for running the program anywhere.

The code is free and open source and can be viewed at https://github.com/ReimarPB/MineExplorer


Quote from: Reimar on Mar 15, 2023, 09:11 PM-snip-
Thank you so so much for making this!! Really responsive program, clean interface, and just very well made in general. It's a much needed boon for people like me who do a lot of editing through their PC terminal. Though, there were some features I was missing from the out-of-date file explorer I was using previously, such as:
- Being able to view file sizes.
- Being able to move and reorganize files through the explorer itself.
So I made a fork called MineExplorerPlus! (seemed fitting enough..)
One of the main features of this fork is that all of the program files have been condensed into a single file for portability. There are more file editing operations, more configuration options, and added hotkeys. A totally new context menu also appears when you right-click on the screen.

It's also worth mentioning the original settings API code had a typo in it, just to raise awareness for people who might be having an issue using the original.

Link to GitHub repo:

Pastebin ID: Siz3WZMH
pastebin get Siz3WZMH minexp
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