(Unofficial) ntfy.sh API!

Started by UnixTM, Aug 11, 2022, 06:58 AM

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pastebin get 3dutQQeD ntfy
Finally, an (unofficial) ntfy.sh API! You can load my API with:
local ntfy = require("ntfy")It has 1 function:
ntfy.send()The arguments are as follows:
ntfy.send("topic", "message", "title")"topic" is as in http://ntfy.sh/topic.
"message" is the "body" of the notification.
"title" is the title of the notification. (If the title is not supplied, it will be:
Example for sending a notification to "lol" upon redstone:
while true do
     if os.pullEvent() == "redstone" then
          ntfy.send("lol", "sussy bussy box", "mincrafet")

To send to a phone, use the "ntfy" app.
To send to computer, just go to
in its browser.

Enjoy the API I quickly whipped up!
pastebin get 3dutQQeD ntfy
Creator of the ntfy.sh API!


os.loadAPI is the old way of doing things, you may want to convert your API into a require module.

It's not difficult to do, tweaked.cc has a guide on it.

Otherwise, this looks good.

A couple of recommendations:
  • If title ~= nil then can be simplified to if title then, the functionality is a little different as the latter will also resolve as false if title's value is false, whereas the former would resolve as true since false is not equal to nil
  • You may want to validate your inputs, computercraft adds a module for this cc.expect


Did you test this before posting?

Because it doesn't work lol

You're returning a boolean, at the bottom add

return { send = send }