ComputerCraft IDE - Looking for contributors

Started by shoebill, Jan 19, 2021, 05:23 PM

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Hi, everyone!

Last year I found myself looking on the forums and realized that basically every half-decent project idea has been made before, except one - a ComputerCraft IDE. I know what you're thinking, let me rephrase it: There has never been a ComputerCraft IDE that made people want to edit ingame. So I spent the next month putting together a more than decent prototype. Here's a little appetizer:

Pic 1
On the left side, you can see the recently opened projects

Pic 2
This is the 'Project Wizard' screen

Pic 3
This is the editor. You can switch between files by selecting a tab or by clicking on a file on the side bar. Btw, you can see there are 3 side bars. All of them can be resized by dragging. You can event put the file tree in the bottom or the right segment if you want to. Line numbers and white space visibility can be toggled on/off.

It also supports:
- Custom themes
- Plugins (this is the most powerful feature)

So as you can see, it's pretty functional already. But I want to recreate it from scratch. Using a faster UI framework, using a better architecture, adding even more advanced features. This is a very sizeable task, which I need help with. Thus I'm looking for people who'd like to form a team or even just temporarily work with me.

Feel free to ask any questions! :)


there has been something like this but its on the old forums and its Lua IDE. However this looks a bit more modern that that


edit+ had some neat features like a function bank, copy paste and highlighting.  I've made a modified version so it can recognize APIs you make.


I'm getting IntelliJ vibes from the project selection and creation screens :)

Any updates on this?