ShapeDigger, A Utility For Digging Shapes Underground

Started by MLGMilk, Nov 07, 2022, 09:48 PM

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Hello all,

I thought there would already be something like this, but after looking around for a while on this forum, I couldn't find anything. The closest thing I found was a turtle program for building shapes. This does the opposite.

pastebin get k4ZN8rCK ShapeDigger

Here are the features
  • A smart check fuel function that will pause the turtle in the event of running out of fuel
  • Built with gravel in mind, your turtles shouldn't get caught on anything
  • Basic function such as: GO(n) TURN(n)(turns to the left unless n%3==0) Line(n)
  • Rect(R,Y): Makes a rectangle given a radius and YHeight(Negatives work!), Returns to origin
  • Circle(R,Y): Makes a Circle with the given Radius, Returns to origin
  • RectPrism(xR,Y,Z): Pretty simple, just makes rectangles in a line, Returns to origin
  • Stairs(R,Y, UP): Digs stairs with a given radius and vertical stair distance(Y), UP is a bool

I should note that because I used Radius for the rectangle function, making rectangles of even length is impossible. Using radius makes things so much easier, though.

Made a small error, not enough to warrant an update though. in the code I state that giving a radius of 0 will make a vertical line; this is wrong. More accurately, giving a radius of < 1 and > 0 makes a vertical line.

Pretty simple, but powerful. If you find any bugs shoot a reply and I'll fix it.