ComputerCraft Forums

ComputerCraft => Programs => APIs and Utilities => Topic started by: HydroNitrogen on Feb 05, 2019, 07:03 PM

Title: DiscordHook - Easy to use library for sending Discord messages from CC
Post by: HydroNitrogen on Feb 05, 2019, 07:03 PM

DiscordHook is an easy-to-use lua library for connecting ComputerCraft to Discord. You can connect a webhook and send easy simple messages, beautiful custom emneds and advanced raw json.


DiscordHook is available on GitHub here ( You can check out its repo, or download the library file directly by executing the following in your terminal:

wget DiscordHook.lua


DiscordHook has a few functions you can use. To harness DiscordHook's power, we must first load it into our environment by doing the following:

local DiscordHook = require("DiscordHook")
Now we can access DiscordHook's Functions:

local success, hook = DiscordHook.createWebhook(" (THE URL YOU GOT FROM DISCORD)")
 if not success then
  error("Webhook connection failed! Reason: " .. hook)

 -- If the code execution continues here, that means we have the webhook available as it didn't error.

Getting a Discord webhook URL:

To get a webhook URL, you will need to 'create' such URL from inside the Discord (web)application.

First, make sure you're a moderator or administrator in a Discord server or create a new Discord server. Then, go to the server settings and tap 'Webhooks' on your left bar. Now, click 'Create Webhook' on the top-right. A Webhook is now created for you. It's bound to a specific channel. Copy (use the button) and paste down the webhook url, as you'll need this later in your CC program!

Using your webhook:

There are three functions you can call from your webhook object in lua:

-- Sending normal plain good ol' messages:
 hook.send(<string message>, [string username], [string avatarurl])
 -- If you want to compose the message json yourself:
 hook.sendJSON(<string json>)
 -- If you want to create a fancy embed:
 hook.sendEmbed(<string message>, [string title], [string description], [string hyperlink-url], [number colour], [string image-url], [string thumbnail-url], [string username], [string avatar])


All functions return a boolean - true if the webhook executed without problems or false if the webhook failed (for example, when Discord rejected an invalid embed.)

By Discord's rules, an embed must atleast either have a title or description, but not neccecarily both.

Fill arguments you don't want with nil, for example: hook.sendEmbed( "", nil, "Hello!", nil, 0xFF00FF ) and hook.send( "Hello sir!", nil, "" ) will work just fine!

A string for message is always required, but is allowed to be empty ("") when having a valid embed.


DiscordHook's simpleness can be demonstrated using the following brief example to show the concept of sending a basic message, sending a raw json message and sending a beautiful customized embed:

local DiscordHook = require("DiscordHook")

local success, hook = DiscordHook.createWebhook("")
if not success then
    error("Webhook connection failed! Reason: " .. hook)

hook.send("This is just a normal message.", "Your fancy webhook", "")

hook.sendJSON("{ \"content\": \"We're going to have dinner! :pizza:\", \"username\": \"Your beloved mom\", \"avatar_url\": \"\" }")

hook.sendEmbed("@everyone", "Base Defense System", "An intruder has been detected! User **'HydroNitrogen'** has entered private airspace at `123, 100, 321`! Please send defensive units out now!", nil, 0xFF0000, nil, "", "Base Defence System", "")

print("So far we've send " .. hook.sentMessages .. " messages succesfully!")

Executing the example will result in the following:

Output in CC:

Output in Discord:


DiscordHook is licenced under the MIT licence, Copyright (c) 2019 Wendelstein7 (a.k.a. HydroNitrogen)

You can definetely use this in your programs, I really recommend everyone doing so! You should make your programs that require it download the library from the raw GitHub link (
You are allowed to distribute this library yourself along with your other software that requires it (giving proper credit), but I strongly recommend downloading it from GitHub dynamically.
Title: DiscordHook - Easy to use library for sending Discord messages from CC
Post by: EveryOS on Feb 06, 2019, 04:30 PM
Looks cool (and useful). I might try it out some day.
Title: DiscordHook - Easy to use library for sending Discord messages from CC
Post by: Paspagon on Mar 15, 2019, 01:57 PM
This is great! How did I not see this before?
Can't get it to work though.
local DiscordHook = require("DiscordHook")
local success, hook = DiscordHook.createWebhook("<buncha numbers>/<buncha letters&numbers>")
if not success then
  error("Webhook connection failed! Reason: " .. hook)

while true do
if not redstone.getInput('bottom') then
print('Door open!')
print(tostring(hook.send('Door open!', 'ComputerCraft', nil)))

Door open!

All good. My dumbass wasnt using CC tweaked.