ComputerCraft Forums

ComputerCraft => Programs => APIs and Utilities => Topic started by: ShreksHellraiser on Jun 19, 2022, 07:32 PM

Title: Simple to use request->response based encrypted networking API that uses rednet
Post by: ShreksHellraiser on Jun 19, 2022, 07:32 PM
This is an API to make encrypted communication and protocols over rednet easy.

Here's all it takes for a simple ping protocol
local client = require("client")

local a ="encping") -- Make a client object for protocol "encping"
local b,c = a:sendReq({"hello world!"}) -- Send a table that just contains "Hello world!" at [1]
print(b,textutils.serialize(c)) -- Print out the reply we got!

local server = require("server")

local srv ="encping", "testserver") -- Make a server object for protocol "encping" with hostname "testserver"

local function handleMessage(self, id, msg) -- This is the message handler function, when the server recieves an encrypted message it'll pass it in here along with the rednet ID of the computer.
  self:sendEncryptedMessage(id, msg) -- Just send the message straight back

srv.msgHandle = handleMessage -- Set our handleMessage function as the message handler for this server object
srv:start() -- Start the server

There's a lot more detail about how the protocol works in on my github page.

But it basically works with the client sending a request to the server and the server sending a request back, these are both encrypted through the use of this ECC api. ( Before any encrypted communication can occur, my API will perform a public key exchange with the server to establish a common key on both ends. This API also timestamps and puts a UUID in every message sent, discarding any messages that are too old, or contain the same UUID, this acts as a protection against replay attacks. Currently the main attack vector I can think about would be a DOS attack by instantly sending responses claiming to be errors.