dawn - an OS with a filesystem, custom terminal, etc

Started by XDuskAshesReal, Jul 16, 2023, 02:44 AM

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This project has since been scrapped.
The link is dead, basically.


What is this?

dawn is a CC:T OS, simple as that. An easy *nix-like operating system, following the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard decently and taking cuts where needed due to CC's way of auto-mounting peripherals.

What does it have?

As of now, it's a very heavy wip, so it includes the following:
- Custom boot programs
- A bios-ish program
- Command line
- Programs
- Multi-user support
And more!

Where can I view the source?

https://github.com/XDuskAshes/dawn/tree/idev is the primary development tree for dawn, and the main tree will have the most stable version of dawn (when a stable, proper release is made that is)

Why is this being made?

Two reasons:
1. Passion project
2. Learn more about lua and test my knowledge

What about contributing?

It's in the repo's README.txt!


An example of one of the configs able to be set in dbios
+ config -s simplebootIt's basically a loading bar instead of logging.